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Use Case 1 - Terrestrial Monitoring and Forecasting

Terrestrial Monitoring and Forecasting

Forecasts and projections of the terrestrial water and energy cycles constitute a scientific grand challenge due to the complexities involved and the socioeconomic relevance. Prominent examples include forecasts of weather, extreme events (floods, low-flows, droughts), water resources and long-term climate projections. More: Terrestrial Monitoring and Forecasting …

Use Case 2 - Cloud and Solar Power Prediction

Cloud and Solar Power Prediction

The proper forecasting of clouds in the use case Cloud and Solar Power Prediction is important for the short-term predictions of photovoltaic power, photo-chemically impaired air quality, and precipitation. More: Cloud and Solar Power Prediction …

Stratospheric Impact on Surface Climate

Stratospheric Impact on Surface Climate

Recent model developments in meteorology allow more seamless approaches to modeling weather and climate in a unified framework for the use case Stratospheric Impact on Surface Climate. More: Stratospheric Impact on Surface Climate …
