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Research Strategy

The research strategy of the project is based on co-designing domain-specific data analytics techniques along with generic method implementations. Whereas domain scientists from the various fields participating in the project contribute their methodological knowledge of applying Scientific Big Data Analytics (SBDA) in the field, data and computer scientists contribute by deriving generic methods to make them available as implementations for all use cases. At the same time, data scientist thoroughly review the methods thus far applied in each scientific domain. In the end, the project goal is to roll out generic implementations of methods on the technical infrastructure of the Helmholtz Data Federation (HDF).

These activities are coherently derived from properly defined “use cases.” The use cases are chosen such that they themselves target scientific challenges with an important societal impact and a high potential for breakthroughs in their respective domains. Through this interdisciplinary cooperation, the HDF investments will be leveraged towards a full-system solution. It is an important goal of the project to translate specific methods developed within given use cases into generic tools and services. In a first step, they are made available to other use cases raising synergy within the project. Later, the methods will become beneficial to other fields.
